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Wedding Bells at Escape Live?

What better way to celebrate a wedding than pitting bride and groom against the wedding party in an escape room challenge!

This is exactly what newlywed couple Tom and Alex did on their wedding day. Bride Alex arranged this lovely surprise for her new husband on the day of their wedding. Here at Escape Live we were more than happy to help!

Venue Manager Aaron and Games Master Dylan ensured this would be an experience to remember. The two decorated the venue with confetti and banners to welcome the group into the venue.

‘It was a great privilege to be a part of Tom and Alex’s big day, getting locked in a room as soon as you get married is certainly a unique way to start the future together!’ Aaron told us, ‘What made the day even better, was that they made it out of the room with plenty of time to spare, unfortunately the rest of the family were not so lucky (don’t worry, we’ll say it’s because you didn’t want to take away from their day!).’

Escape Live wish the happy couple all the best in their marriage!

Listen to the story on BBC Sounds. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0ftq39n

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