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Magic School

Step out from the cupboard under the stairs, grab your robes and come and enrol at Nyx Mystica Magic School.

With the help of the sorting hat, Professor Hieronymus Hexfoot will train you muggles into experienced wizards!

Once the wand has chosen the wizard, you will need to cast spells, mix potions and stop the school spirit from causing mischief around the school grounds before you can graduate from Magic School and earn those all-important house points. Your enrolment awaits.

Magic School is an online game. To play, each player can log in on their own device. Use a video conferencing app such as Zoom to see and talk to each other while you play.

Perfect for families and children ages 7+.

Online Experience Watch the trailer

Game Genre


Number of Players

1 - 6

Minimum Age

7 +

Game Difficulty



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